Current Planetary Holdings
The Galactic Empire
Chiss Empire
New Republic
-Mon Calamari
Hutt Space
-Nal Hutta
-Da Soocha
Planetary Holdings are a list of planets controlled by factions. In the start all factions control the same amount of planets, but different. Use the resources of these planets, by announcing new laws, projects, or programs! The Star Wars galaxy has 1000´s of planets! This means conquering the galaxy will take a long time. And thus Independant factions have the advantage to grab these too...
The Galactic Empire
Chiss Empire
New Republic
-Mon Calamari
Hutt Space
-Nal Hutta
-Da Soocha
Planetary Holdings are a list of planets controlled by factions. In the start all factions control the same amount of planets, but different. Use the resources of these planets, by announcing new laws, projects, or programs! The Star Wars galaxy has 1000´s of planets! This means conquering the galaxy will take a long time. And thus Independant factions have the advantage to grab these too...